Most teenagers need braces to help straighten out their smiles, but there are more orthodontic options for them than just traditional metal braces! At Dental Wellness Phoenixville, we offer two alternatives to metal braces: Invisalign® and Six Month Smiles®. Both use clear aligner therapy to subtly shift teeth into their desired positions. Here are some of the differences between Invisalign and Six Month Smiles.

What Is Clear Aligner Therapy?

Both Invisalign and Six Month Smiles use clear aligners to correct bite, alignment, rotation, and crookedness issues. Clear aligners are made of transparent plastic and slip over the teeth for a discreet orthodontic option. Every two weeks, the patient receives a new set of aligners that will shift the teeth closer to their desired positions. Clear aligners must be worn for 20-22 hours a day. They are removed for meals and brushing and flossing.

Some Advantages of Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are barely visible so your teen will likely feel less self-conscious about the treatment. Additionally, Dental Wellness Phoenixville strives to make clear aligner therapy affordable. Because clear aligners are removable, the patient is not required to make any changes to their diet or oral healthcare routines. Plus, if your teen is an athlete, clear aligners are safer than traditional metal braces, which can cause complex injuries.

How Long Does Clear Aligner Therapy Take?

Invisalign will correct mild to moderate orthodontic issues, and treatment typically takes 18-22 months. Six Month Smiles is designed for more mild issues, so treatment times are shorter as its name implies. Dr. David will be able to determine which option is best for your teen’s smile needs!

Is Clear Aligner Therapy Painful?

Your teen might experience some tenderness when they receive new aligners. This means that the aligners are doing their job to shift the teeth and straighten their smiles! Generally the discomfort with clear aligners is less than with traditional braces. This is because the aligners are changed out frequently and the shifting occurs gradually. Cold compresses and over-the-counter pain medication are common ways to alleviate any pain that comes with having new aligners.

Affordable Clear Aligner Therapy for Teens in Phoenixville, PA

Is your teen considering clear aligner therapy? Dental Wellness Phoenixville would love to be a part of their smile journey! Contact us to schedule a consultation today.

