Root canals are often portrayed in television and movies as painful, unpleasant procedures. However, they are actually nothing to fear! Root canals are a revolutionary dental treatment that can save a natural tooth and eliminate tooth pain. Here’s what you need to know about root canals!

What Are Root Canals?

Root canals are advanced dental procedures designed to remove infected, decayed, and damaged portions of the pulp inside of a tooth. Once the pulp is removed, dentists will disinfect the inside of the tooth and fill the hole left behind with a biocompatible material called gutta percha.

Are Root Canals Painful?

It is a myth that root canals are painful and uncomfortable. However, we understand that dental fear and anxiety are a very real roadblock that many patients face. Root canals are a common, high-quality treatment that can be completed with little to no discomfort. Before a root canal takes place, dentist will thoroughly numb the area around the tooth so the most patients will feel is slight pressure during the procedure. Dentists may also utilize sedation dentistry, such as nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation, to ensure patients feel completely relaxed and at ease throughout the process.

Gentle Root Canals in Phoenixville, PA

At Dental Wellness Phoenixville, we are committed to providing gentle care for patients to ensure they have a positive, stress-free experience at the dentist. If you feel nervous or uneasy about going to the dentist, our friendly team will do everything we can to help you feel comfortable and at home. Our office also prides itself on investing in state-of-the-art technology and tools to provide premium treatments for our Phoenixville community. If you need a root canal or another dental treatment, our team would love to serve you. Please contact our office to schedule your consultation!

